How to Get a Scholarship in Canada

The biggest advantage of getting a scholarship in Canada, as opposed to one from an American University, is that they’re open to everyone and are awarded based on merit alone, without any regard for the financial situation or other factors that are considered during the college application process.


If you want to get your hands on some extra cash, you’ll need to know how to get a scholarship in Canada in order to do so. These tips will show you how!

Decide on your field of study

There are thousands of scholarships available, which makes it hard to narrow down your search. 


To get started, think about what you want to study and research schools in that field. For example, if you’re an aspiring chemical engineer, look for chemical engineering scholarships (or awards). Some potential fields of study include nursing, law, business administration, and education. 


If you aren’t sure yet, try searching for scholarships for students. You can also ask guidance counselors at your school or local community college for advice on how to find scholarships related to your interests. 


Write a letter to an admissions counselor: Think about who will be reading your application. Write a short note to them explaining why they should consider you for their scholarship and describing any unique attributes or skills that could set you apart from other applicants. 


Try addressing specific points from their website as well as demonstrating why you’d like to attend their university or program.


There are two different scholarship programs offered by universities in Canada: entrance scholarships and need-based scholarships. In general, entrance scholarships are based on grades and family income while need-based ones focus on financial needs. 


The process of applying for each differs too. When trying to get an entrance scholarship from a university, you apply directly to that school; but with need-based awards, your application will be sent to one of many participating schools for consideration. 


Since these two types of scholarships differ so much, it’s important to know which kind you’re eligible for before starting your search.


Scholarships exist at every level of education, from kindergarten all the way through postgraduate study. They also come with different rules. Some have deadlines as short as three months away and some have multiple rounds each year for students who don’t quite make it into their top pick. 


If you’re planning on applying for a scholarship, do your research well before the due date so you can ensure that you meet any eligibility requirements and submit everything by the deadline. Also, try to apply for scholarships that require essays or other writing samples—while they might take more time than filling out a form, they’ll give you an opportunity to show off your writing skills.


Start Applying for Scholarships as Early as Possible

You don’t have to get straight A’s throughout high school (or even college) in order to be eligible for scholarships. Many organizations award money based on student involvement, community service and career goals. 


While some require essay prompts, many are open-ended and don’t require much more than an application form and transcript (if that). Scholarships can cover full or partial tuition, books, travel costs and living expenses while you study or do research abroad. 


Some students use them as a way to save money by avoiding loans—and others use them as a way to increase their income by getting paid to go backpacking around Europe!

Are There Scholarship Opportunities in Canada?

There are many scholarship opportunities available in Canada, from both private and public sources. 


Canadian post-secondary students should look for scholarships that will allow them to earn their degree without accumulating thousands of dollars of debt. 


Scholarships can be found at local high schools, community colleges, vocational programs, and even on campuses across universities and colleges. There are also many scholarships for part-time studies offered by universities.

Understand The Deadlines

In order to get money from a scholarship, you have to apply for it. 


Most scholarships list their deadlines on their website or in their application, but if you can’t find it there you should contact them directly. 

Read Also: Scholarship In USA

With all that said, here are some general deadlines: The Fall semester (September – December) deadline is typically mid-January; The Winter semester (January – April) deadline is late March/early April; The Spring/Summer semester (May-August) deadline is usually early May.

Proofread Your Applications and Essays

After you’ve applied for every scholarship you can find, it’s time to proofread your applications and essays. Double-check that there are no typos or grammatical errors—then double-check again. 


If English isn’t your first language, ask a friend or family member for help. (If English is not your first language, I recommend using Grammarly for easy proofreading.) 


Proofreading is an important step in avoiding disqualification from scholarships because of simple mistakes. Once you’re satisfied with your work, make sure to save copies of all of your hard work; after all, even if you don’t win any scholarships, they might come in handy down the road!



You’re not limited to just UBC’s scholarship opportunities. Do some research and you’ll find that there are plenty of scholarships out there, especially if you study at UBC. For example, do you want to be an engineer? 


Then check out UBC’s Engineering Undergraduate Society (EUS) Scholarships or consider applying for one of their many awards. If you are interested in business, then apply for UBC’s Sauder School of Business Awards. 


There is no shortage of opportunities out there; it is up to you to identify them and apply! And don’t forget about other organizations like your local Rotary Club or Lions Club. It may take a little extra work on your part, but rest assured—there are options out there.

Do Something Outstanding!

One common misconception about scholarships is that they are reserved for only high-achieving, above-average students. In fact, there are many opportunities out there for average and underachieving students too! 


If you do something outstanding, chances are someone will want to reward you with financial aid. Whether it’s volunteering or working extra hard at your part-time job, there are plenty of options that can set you apart from other applicants. So go ahead and get creative—your scholarship search just got that much easier!