Post Graduate Scholarship In Canada

Chasing Postgraduate Dreams in the Great White North: A Comprehensive Guide to Scholarships in Canada

For ambitious academics in Canada, postgraduate studies unlock doors to exhilarating research ventures, specialized professional advancement, and deeper scholarly pursuits. However, the financial climb can seem daunting, potentially threatening to dim the lights on those bright futures. Worry not, knowledge seekers! A rich and diverse landscape of postgraduate scholarships thrives in Canada, waiting to empower your journey and illuminate the path to academic excellence. This comprehensive guide dives deep into the vibrant terrain of scholarships available for Canadian postgraduate students, equipping you with the knowledge and resources to navigate the application process and secure the financial support needed to conquer your postgraduate dreams.

Charting the Scholarship Landscape:

Canadian postgraduate scholarships come in all shapes and sizes, catering to students in various fields, research areas, and funding needs. Understanding the different types is crucial for narrowing down your search and finding the perfect fit. Here’s a breakdown:

Level of Study:

  • Master’s Degree: Scholarships are available for students pursuing both research and coursework-based Master’s programs.
  • Doctoral Degree: Funding opportunities exist for PhD students across all disciplines, supporting dissertation research and advanced studies.
  • Professional Programs: Specific scholarships cater to students enrolled in specialized programs like Medicine, Law, or Business Administration.

Funding Sources:

  • University-based: Each university offering postgraduate programs typically has its own scholarship pool, often focusing on academic merit, research potential, or specific areas of study.
  • Government-funded: Programs like the Tri-Council Doctoral Research Scholarships (SSHRC, NSERC, CIHR) and the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships offer substantial funding for doctoral research across various disciplines.
  • Professional Associations: National and provincial organizations like the Canadian Medical Association or the Canadian Institutes of Resources Law provide scholarships for students pursuing research in their respective fields.
  • Private Foundations: Numerous foundations like the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation and the Killam Trusts support exceptional scholars with distinctive research proposals and a commitment to contributing positively to society.
  • Corporate Sponsorships: Major corporations and industry leaders sometimes offer scholarships aligned with their specific research needs or areas of interest.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Each scholarship has its own set of eligibility criteria, often considering academic standing, research proposal strength, professional experience, publications, letters of recommendation, and even potential impact of the research.
  • Some scholarships focus on underrepresented groups or students overcoming obstacles, promoting greater diversity and inclusion in higher education.
  • Citizenship and residency requirements vary, so carefully reviewing each scholarship’s specifics is crucial.

Application Deadlines:

  • Deadlines vary widely, so staying organized and checking scholarship websites regularly is essential. Early application submission is always recommended to optimize your chances of selection.

Exploring Funding Options:

Now that you understand the types of scholarships available, let’s delve into some specific examples:


  • The University of Toronto’s Doctoral Excellence Award recognizes exceptional PhD students across all disciplines with a demonstrated record of academic achievement and a strong research proposal.
  • McGill University’s Max Stern Scholarship in Law provides full tuition and living expenses for exceptional LLM students demonstrating academic excellence and a commitment to international law.


  • The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Doctoral Scholarships offer up to $50,000 per year for three years to PhD students in the social sciences and humanities, supporting cutting-edge research and academic excellence.
  • The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Doctoral Scholarships provide similar funding for PhD students in science and engineering, fostering groundbreaking research and technological advancements.

Professional Associations:

  • The Canadian Medical Association’s Research Fellowship Program supports medical residents pursuing research within Canada, equipping them with the skills and resources to become future leaders in their field.
  • The Canadian Law Foundation’s Scholarships and Grants program offers funding for legal scholars conducting research on a wide range of legal issues, promoting access to justice and advancing legal knowledge.

Private Foundations:

  • The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation’s Doctoral Scholarships support exceptional Ph.D. students across all disciplines who demonstrate intellectual originality, leadership potential, and a commitment to social justice and democratic values.
  • The Killam Trusts Scholarships provide funding for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers across the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and medicine, recognizing scholars with outstanding research potential and a dedication to advancing knowledge.

Corporate Sponsorships:

  • Mitacs Globalink Research Internship program connects top-tier graduate students with international research organizations, offering valuable research experience alongside financial support.
  • Microsoft Research PhD Fellowships provide funding and mentorship opportunities for PhD students conducting research in areas aligned with Microsoft’s interests, like artificial intelligence and computer science.

Conquering the Application Process:

Securing your dream postgraduate scholarship requires dedication, strategic planning, and a compelling application package. Here are some key tips to optimize your chances of success: